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痘痘该如何去除效果好-Viral Catholic leader: Christians must not be ‘weak’ in the face of Olympics opening spectacle

时间:2024-09-20 09:30:33 来源:何其毒也网 作者:热点 阅读:500次
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close Olympics opening ceremony sparks outrage with drag queens parodying Last Supper: 'Dedicated to the woke'Video

Olympics opening ceremony sparks outrage with drag queens parodying Last Supper: 'Dedicated to the woke'

Former NCAA Division I swimmer Paula Scanlan and former Levi's brand president Jennifer Sey react to the Last Supper parody during the summer Olympics opening ceremony on 'Fox News @ Night.'

Prominent Catholic leader and evangelist Bishop Robert Barron rebuked the opening ceremonies of the Summer Olympics in Paris this week for "mocking this very central moment in Christianity." 


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